Hi Everyone,
So I am starting a new project. Some may recall my attempt at Mini Album Monday (MAM) some time ago. The problem with MAM is that I had more Mondays than I had completed albums at the time. LOL. So I am going to do MAM once again but this time once a month to start and then we will see how it progresses.
SO I started a new mini and I am doing a tutorial on it. I have a lot of ideas and not sharing them is not helping me any. So here we go.
To construct this album you will need 12x12 paper. As many sheets as you want pages. I am using 5 sheets of Colorbok card stock. It's a great weight to create the pages. This is also the same process that I used to make this album here only I used 8.5x11 size card stock for the pages.
1. Score your paper on the vertical at 3". Rotate the paper 180* and score at 3 1/8". You should have a page that looks like this.
2. Fold on the vertical score lines and then turn the paper horizontally and score at 7". Your page should look like this. (I pray you can see the score mark).

3. Cut on the 7" mark up to those original score lines that are now horizontal.
4. Now Fold on the vertical score line the is in between the two cuts.
5. Time to assemble. We now have two sections. Place your adhesive on the edge of the top and bottom sections. Just on one side. I chose to put the glue on the right side and fold my left flap on top of it. You may want the flaps of each section to be glued identically. I alternated for purpose of the photo. You also want to use a strong adhesive. For this photo I am using my ATG but sticky strip, score tape, or even liquid adhesive would be great here.

6. Now this smaller section is going to form a pocket. Depending on whether or not you want the opening on the right or the left determines where you are going to place your adhesive.
I chose to place the adhesive on the right side for an opening on the left when the flap is closed. And now your page is complete. You just have to repeat the process for however many pages you choose to have in your album.
To make the pockets you will need to seal one side of the open pocket (see pic above), whether the right or the left side, depending on which way you want your pocket to face.
Now you can bind however you choose but here are three methods that you may want to try.
1. "Hidden Hinge" Kathy Orta has a video about a binding method she brought to the public that would be great with this album. This is the type of method I used when I made my Christmas Album.
2. Another option is to use a Cinch, Bind-it-All, or binder rings.
3. Any other method that you prefer.
I am trying to get a video version of this tutorial uploaded but life with a 1 yr old is not that easy. Especially when she likes to pretend she is Mommy and wants to play with the keyboard and mouse. LOL.
But I will update this post once I get the video finished. Let me know if any of these instructions are not clear.
And there you have it.